We’ve Got Mail
October 2012

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Oct. 2012, 43

We’ve Got Mail

Ready for General Conference

Last conference I wrote down some questions I had about things happening in my life and prayed to receive answers during general conference. During conference I took notes, and when I reviewed my questions, I realized that all my questions had been answered. Some were simply reminders of what I already knew, and some were answered in unlikely ways. General conference is a blessing in so many ways.

Grace H., 18, Taiwan

Promise to Heavenly Father

I really love the gospel because it helps me to do and be what the Lord expects. Sometimes I feel it is hard for me to act as the Lord expects, but the scriptures and my patriarchal blessing remind me of who I am and what I promised to do before I was here on earth. I will not fail in that promise to Heavenly Father.

Jay Ann B., 19, Philippines

Strength through Trials

Reading about other teenagers going through everyday trials helps me get through my own. It’s good to know that we’re not alone and others are going through what we are. When you share an experience, it helps everyone who reads it.

Ty C., 16, Utah, USA

Dating and Relationships (from youth.lds.org)

I am 15, almost 16, and I really needed this message [see “But We Were in Love” at lds.org/go/02L]. There is this guy I have had a “special interest” in since I met him at my first stake dance. Living on the East Coast, my opportunities to date other LDS members are limited, but I still didn’t want to start “dating” the day I turned 16. Overall, I wasn’t sure how to handle a future situation that could have turned into one like in this story. This article answered my prayers about this guy and relationships in general.

Marissa Lynn C., 15, USA
