Sharing in the Salon
November 2012

“Sharing in the Salon,” New Era, Nov. 2012, 46

Sharing in the Salon

Lauren K., Missouri, USA

girl writing in book

Illustration by G. Bjorn Thorkelson

One day I was getting my hair done at a salon and I started talking to the woman shampooing my hair. We were talking about my summer plans and came across the subject of the Church. I told her a little bit about what we, as Latter-day Saints, believe. Before, when I had been waiting to get my hair done, I had been reading the Book of Mormon in the waiting room. So when the topic of church came up in my conversation with this woman, the Book of Mormon came up too. She had no idea what it was about. I continued to tell her the basics of what the Book of Mormon holds. She was very open to what I had to say and willing to listen.

I had a strong feeling that I needed to give her a Book of Mormon. I had one of the blue copies the missionaries usually share! It was perfect to give to her. After my hair was done, I sat down and wrote my testimony on the inside cover of the Book of Mormon. As I was leaving the salon, I gave the book to her and invited her to read it.

A couple months later, a Church member I know who works in the salon saw a Book of Mormon in the break room. She picked it up, and on the inside cover she saw a testimony with my name at the end. It’s good to know the woman still has it, and I hope she felt inspired to read it. I continue to pray for her, and I hope she will feel of the Spirit. It brings so much joy to my life when I can be a missionary and a tool in the Lord’s hands. I hope all of us can achieve the happiness that comes along with sharing the gospel with another (see D&C 18:15–16).
