Notes from Siblings
December 2012

“Notes from Siblings,” New Era, Dec. 2012, 34–35

All about Families

Notes from Siblings

three young women on a beach

Left photograph courtesy of Laura and Kayla J.

When we truly care for our siblings, we are acting the way our Heavenly Father desires us to act. Youth around the world recently told the New Era how they have built good relationships with their siblings, including thinking of a sibling as your closest friend, spending time with siblings, or praying for help to be more loving. Here are their thoughts and suggestions.

“My brother Kyle is a good example to me. He makes my lunch every day even though he is up early for seminary. He is very kind and always thinks of others.”

Amber R., Ireland

“My siblings are good examples to me, whether they are younger or older. My younger siblings randomly do nice things for me, and my older sister gives me rides. I grow to love my siblings more every day no matter what trials we face.”

Samuel C., Nebraska, USA

“My younger sister has helped me many times with projects I have to do for school. Because of those times, I know I can always rely on her to help me whenever I need it. Also, my sisters have given me little notes in the past that said nice things and cheered me up.”

Laura J., New Jersey, USA

“I love to talk with my siblings and learn more about them. When we talk together, we share our experiences of each day and have fun being around one another. My sister will sometimes cook for me, and it’s great when she does, because she is a fabulous chef. She’s taught me a couple of recipes to prepare me for going on a mission.”

Joseph A., Georgia, USA

“For a Personal Progress value experience, I tried for two weeks to change my relationship with a family member in a positive way. I chose my seven-year-old brother. I tried to be very patient, and I prayed for him and also for myself to have the strength to do this. Our relationship got so strong, and we are closer than ever before.”

Maria B., Georgia, USA

“My little brother Corey finds it hard to clean his room, and I help him clean it. Sometimes I clean it for him as a surprise. Corey asks me to help him when he is scared. From doing things together, I love him more and more every day.”

Kyle R., Ireland

“My little sister is amazing! She’s making amazing progress on her Personal Progress, she is very modest in her dress and behavior, and she is constantly building her testimony.”

Elder Buckmiller, Florida, USA

“My sisters are so wonderful. Most people wouldn’t think that this is service, but during my basketball season they would come to every one of my tournaments—they are so supportive and they would always make time for that.”

Crystal C., New Jersey, USA

“My little sister is such a great person. She helps everyone, minds our parents, and loves most people she meets right away. She’s never shy to tell strangers that we are Latter-day Saints. All of my siblings are very important to me. When we first moved to Nebraska and we didn’t know anyone, we kept each other going. My brothers and sisters were and still are my best friends.”

Kimberly H., Nebraska, USA

“My siblings are extremely important to me. None of my friends at school can be compared to them. My sister always gives me a hug when we see each other in the hallway. I feel very loved whenever I see her.”

Kayla J., New Jersey, USA

“I have only one sibling, my younger brother, but our relationship fills our home with love and appreciation for each other and for our parents. We don’t always get along with each other or agree on everything, but we have both learned that service is one of the best ways to not only resolve conflict but also to gain a better understanding of each other so as to prevent future arguments. I often look to my parents as examples for how to better my relationship with my brother. Both of my parents have very close relationships with their siblings, and the importance that my aunts and uncles have in my life has made me realize how the strong relationships that my brother and I are striving for now will carry with us throughout life.”

Ellen H., Georgia, USA

Illustration ©istockphoto.com/Robertas Pèžas
