Come, Follow Me: Keeping Covenants
July 2014

“Come, Follow Me: Keeping Covenants,” New Era, July 2014, 42

Come, Follow Me

covenants card

Keeping covenants protects us, prepares us, and empowers us.

Rosemary M. Wixom
Primary general president
March 2014 General Women’s Meeting

Background texture by iStock/Thinkstock

covenants card four-up

(Download a sheet of four for handouts.)

temple card

The way you feel in the temple is a pattern for how you want to feel in your life.

Elder Neil L. Andersen
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
April 2014 general conference

temple card four-up

(Download a sheet of four for handouts.)

blessings card

Regardless of our individual circumstances, we can all enjoy the full blessings of priesthood power through keeping the covenants we have made at baptism and in the temple.

Bonnie L. Oscarson
Young Women general president
March 2014 General Women’s Meeting

blessings card four-up

(Download a sheet of four for handouts.)

Keeping Covenants

You’ll be studying about ordinances and covenants this month in your Sunday lessons (see lds.org/youth/learn). As you study and discuss covenants, you might ponder these questions: What are the blessings I’ve been promised for keeping covenants? When have I made covenants, and what are they? What power do these covenants hold, and where does it come from?

To find some answers to these questions and learn more about covenants, see the recent general conference and general women’s meeting at conference.lds.org.

Give yourself an easy reminder to prepare for your Sunday lessons on covenants. Just place these cards in your scriptures, locker, or bedroom. You can also download or share them online at lds.org/go/cardsNE7.