Questions & Answers: Bored at Church
November 2014

“Questions & Answers: Bored at Church,” New Era, Nov. 2014, 44–45

Questions & Answers

“Sometimes I feel bored at church. What can I do to enjoy going to church more?”

With all the time you spend in school, perhaps going to church for three hours on Sunday may feel overwhelming some weeks. But there are ways to make it a great experience.

Remember, Church members “meet together oft, to fast and to pray, and to speak one with another concerning the welfare of their souls [and] to partake of bread and [water], in remembrance of the Lord Jesus” (Moroni 6:5–6). Going to Church meetings on Sunday is one way you can ponder the truths of the gospel and feel renewed spiritually. This will happen as you prepare. Remember that you—not the speakers or teachers—control your experience. Taking that kind of responsibility will change how you view Church meetings—and what you feel. The more you put into your preparation for Sunday meetings, the more you’ll get out of them.

To help you on Sunday itself, consider what youth from a seminary class in Ohio, USA, suggested: be willing to learn and listen to the people who are teaching, pray for help and guidance, take notes, read along with the scriptures in class, bring a friend, and think about Jesus Christ.

When we do these things, Sunday meetings can become a delight and a source of strength to help us through the week.

For more ideas, read “How to Never Have a Boring Church Class Ever Again” at lds.org/go/classNE11.

Come with a Question

Come with a question in your heart each week. You can think of it on Sunday or by preparing for it the entire week before. When you are at church, listen for the answer to your question.

Anna G., 18, Utah, USA

Be Actively Involved

Share your testimony on fast Sunday, contribute to a Sunday lesson by sharing a personal story, or write bullet points about the talks and thank the people who gave them. Look for the message in each talk or lesson meant especially for you by listening to promptings of the Spirit. Try writing down three things that touched you that day as a result of going to church. Keeping a “church journal” will show you how much you need Church meetings and the blessings they give you.

Kaylee S., 14, California, USA

Be Friendly

Be friendly to the people around you. When you enthusiastically say hello to that one lady you’ve met but have never talked with, your day and hers will be so much brighter. Being friendly can also help you feel the Spirit, especially when you pay close attention to what the speakers and teachers are telling you.

Amory M., 15, Utah, USA

Think of the Scriptures

I think of scriptures that go along with the talks or testimonies being given. I look them up and write them down in my notebook and use that as a chance to get closer to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. It also gives me an opportunity to ponder on those verses during the week and to better understand the scriptures and apply them in my life.

Jared C., 12, Colorado, USA

Take Notes

I often take notes or sketch drawings on what the talks are about because it makes it easier for me to pay attention.

Marshal O., 12, Maine, USA

Be Engaged and Try to Relate

Be engaged in the lessons and talks at church. Try to relate to what the speakers and teachers are telling you. Sometimes the lessons aren’t as exciting as you hope, but the teachers work hard on them. Listen not only to the speakers but also to the Spirit. By doing this, you could get something out of the lesson or talk that you may not have otherwise noticed. Going to church will help you strengthen your testimony and give you inspiration.

Ashlyn W., 13, Colorado, USA

Pray for the Spirit

Pray that you can have the Spirit with you. Pray for the speakers to give you inspiration or answers so that you can focus. Seek to open your ears and heart.

Ramsay H., 18, Arizona, USA

Listen to the Speakers

Come to church with a pen and a notebook. Take notes on what the speakers talk about. Then, when you get home, you can review your notes. You never know when the speakers will say something that could help you in your life.

Julia A., 12, Colorado, USA
