Someone texted me an inappropriate picture of themselves and keeps asking for one of myself. What should I do?
November 2014

“Someone texted me an inappropriate picture of themselves and keeps asking for one of myself. What should I do?” New Era, Nov. 2014, 48

Someone texted me an inappropriate picture of themselves and keeps asking for one of myself. What should I do?

young woman

Photo illustration by Christina Smith

First of all, you should talk to an adult about this, such as a parent (yours, his or hers, or both) or a school administrator. Most teens don’t like to take this step, but it may be the only way to get your message across. Besides, texting those kinds of photos of minors is often illegal. Second, someone who has the nerve to ask you to do such a degrading thing needs a response from you that is unmistakably clear. So, though you shouldn’t respond to the message, if you see the person, say it as plainly as you know how. Perhaps something like this: “I will never, ever, ever do this, and for you to even suggest that I would tells me how little you think of me.” Or maybe this: “Back off. I’m a child of God and know my true worth.” Pray for help and respond as the Spirit directs.
