How Can I Share My Testimony of Jesus Christ?
March 2015

“How Can I Share My Testimony of Jesus Christ?” New Era, Mar. 2015, 38–39

Sunday Lesson Help

How Can I Share My Testimony of Jesus Christ?

young women

Take a look around you. There are people everywhere—your close friends, acquaintances at school, strangers on the bus—who are dealing with really hard things. They may be sad or worried about the future or burdened because of the past. The good news is that you know something that can bring joy and happiness into their lives—you know the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Chances to share your testimony of Jesus Christ are everywhere, in many different situations. Look around you—you’ll see them. Want some ideas on messages you can share that might make a difference? Here are just a few.

When someone you know or meet is:

You can share a message about:

Scriptures you might share:

Sad because a loved one has died.

The plan of salvation. Because Jesus Christ overcame death, we will too. Share how you have the hope of seeing loved ones even after death.

Mosiah 16:8; Alma 40:12.

Feeling nervous or hopeless about the future.

The hope you have for the future because of Christ. Whether it’s fear about your future education, big life decisions, or just growing up in general, when you place your trust in Jesus Christ, you will always be on the right path. Share an experience of how your faith in Jesus Christ helps you feel at ease about the future.

1 Corinthians 2:9; 2 Nephi 31:20; Ether 12:4; D&C 88:6.

Dealing with addiction.

The grace of Jesus Christ. This “divine help or strength is given through the mercy and love of God” (Guide to the Scriptures, “Grace”; scriptures.lds.org). Share how you’ve found strength to overcome temptations or an addiction by turning to Christ and relying on the cleansing and enabling power of His Atonement (see page 2).

2 Nephi 2:8; 25:23.

Struggling with feeling unloved or alone.

The comfort the Savior provides. Before He died, Jesus Christ said He would not leave us comfortless (see John 14:18). Share how you’ve found comfort and felt the Savior’s love, such as through prayer.

Joshua 1:5; John 3:16; D&C 138:3.

Living with an illness or disability.

The promise of resurrection. Share how you keep an eternal perspective on earthly trials and your hope of one day obtaining a perfect, resurrected body.

Alma 40:23; 41:2.

Feeling guilty and weighed down by mistakes and sins.

The joy you’ve felt in repenting and applying the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 11:29–30; 2 Nephi 25:26.

Going through a big life change, such as a move or the divorce of parents.

The assurance that Jesus Christ is always there for you. Even though life is full of big, sometimes scary changes, the Savior’s love for us never changes. Share an experience of feeling the Savior near you during hard times.

2 Nephi 4:34; 3 Nephi 10:4–6.
