Comfort and Service
May 2015

“Comfort and Service,” New Era, May 2015

Comfort and Service

The Comforter

“Many are praying to Heavenly Father for relief, for help in carrying their burdens of grief, loneliness, and fear. Heavenly Father hears those prayers and understands their needs. He and His Beloved Son, the resurrected Jesus Christ, have promised help [see Matthew 11:28–30]. …

“The Savior described the way He helps lighten loads and gives strength to carry them. …

“… He gave [His disciples] the promise that He makes to us and to all His true disciples:

“‘And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; …

“‘Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid’ [John 14:16, 27].

“In just the past few weeks, I have seen that promise of sending the Holy Ghost fulfilled in the lives of children of God who were pleading in prayer that their burdens would be lightened. The miracle of the loads being lightened came in a way the Lord promised. He and Heavenly Father sent the Holy Ghost as the Comforter to His disciples to help.”

“Is Not This the Fast That I Have Chosen?”

“There are more hungry, homeless, and lonely children of Heavenly Father than we can possibly reach. …

“So the Lord has given us something that we each can do. It is a commandment so simple that a child can understand it. It is a commandment with a wonderful promise for those in need and for us.

“It is the law of the fast.”

Priesthood and Personal Prayer

young man

“All of us must speak and act in the name of God in moments when our unaided judgment will not be enough without inspiration. …

“… The power to speak and act in God’s name requires revelation and … to have it when we need it requires praying and working in faith for the companionship of the Holy Ghost. …

“… Think of the families or even individuals you have been called to serve. …

“… Pray for the way to know their hearts, to know what things are amiss in the lives and the hearts of people whom you don’t know well. … You will need to know what God would have you do to help them and to do it all, as nearly as you can, feeling God’s love for them.”
