100 Years of Family Home Evening
October 2015

“100 Years of Family Home Evening,” New Era, October 2015, xx

100 years of Family Home Evening

Youth say: “Happy 100th, FHE! Thanks for blessing our lives.”

What if for your next family home evening you had a birthday party for family home evening? After all, 100 years is definitely something to celebrate.

Since 1915, families all over the world have been gathering together once a week for hymns, prayers, gospel study, activities, and, of course, treats. And let’s be honest, sometimes things get a little chaotic.

But in the end, family home evening isn’t about perfect singing, polished lessons, or even the ultimate, fudgy brownies. It’s about learning the gospel together, helping each other build faith, and strengthening family ties.

Check out why these youth think family home evening is something to celebrate.

family cooking

Photograph courtesy of Laekin V.

In family home evening, my family teaches me what I need to do to return back to my Heavenly Father. I love having five brothers who look out for me and help me to do the right thing.

Laekin V., 12, Victoria, Australia

family singing

Photograph courtesy of Brynly R.

We love to gather around the piano and sing together. I believe music is a way of expressing yourself in a way that’s stronger and more powerful than just talking. I know my family definitely uses music as a powerful tool to come closer to each other and our Heavenly Father.

Brynly R., 13, Connecticut, USA

family around table

Photograph courtesy of Ebony J.

I have prepared and taught many family home evenings. Preparing to teach family home evening helped me learn more than I usually would. It has helped me complete my Personal Progress.

Ebony J., 13, Yorkshire, England

family praying

Photograph courtesy of Boston H.

Family home evening invites the Spirit into the home. We all seem to get along better when we do it. We love going to basketball, football, and hockey games together, but we also like reading the scriptures and serving. It helps us create a stronger bond between one another. I love my family! I couldn’t live without them.

Boston H., 17, California, USA

girls crossing stream

Photograph courtesy of Claire A.

Here we are on one of our hikes. We love going hiking together! When we spend time together, we always end with a better attitude than when we started.

Claire A., 14, Washington, USA

family around campfire

Photograph courtesy of Alexis P.

I love sitting around the campfire with my family. We always have so much fun and make lasting memories together.

Alexis P., 14, Alaska, USA
