undefined undefined I struggle with my weight, but I love food. Is it a sin to overeat or be overweight?
I struggle with my weight, but I love food. Is it a sin to overeat or be overweight?
November 2015

“I struggle with my weight, but I love food. Is it a sin to overeat or be overweight?” New Era, November 2015, 48

I struggle with my weight, but I love food. Is it a sin to overeat or be overweight?

Although overeating isn’t necessarily a sin, we’ve been counseled against it because it may show a lack of self-discipline and may violate principles implied in the Word of Wisdom (see D&C 89). “We should avoid anything that we know is harmful to our bodies. … We should … avoid overeating. … By living the Word of Wisdom, we become stronger spiritually” (Gospel Principles [2009], 169). Being overweight may be a health concern, but it has nothing to do with your moral standing before God, especially since weight is not necessarily always linked solely to eating habits.

The Lord has given us the Word of Wisdom because He wants us to have true joy both in this life and in the eternities. Better self-discipline and better health will probably help you to find more joy in this life, so you may want to consider altering your eating habits and watching your weight. Remember that taking care of your physical body is one way to develop self-discipline and overcome the natural man. Plus, better health puts you in a better position to serve God and others.