Why is church so repetitive?
February 2016

“Why is church so repetitive?” New Era, February 2016, 41

Why is church so repetitive?

In one of his epistles to the early Saints, the Apostle Peter said:

“I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them” (2 Peter 1:12; emphasis added).

First of all, repetition is a basic principle of teaching and learning. The gospel contains truths, doctrines, and principles that we need to keep in our minds and hearts as we live our lives from day to day. We’re much more likely to remember these things if we hear them repeated often. As prophets have said in a number of different ways, “O, remember, remember” (see, for instance, Mosiah 2:41). And in the case of the sacred ordinance of the sacrament, repetition means renewal and thus, ultimately, salvation.

Secondly, it’s not essential that everything we hear in church be new, only that it be true, relevant, and applicable. We come to church not so that we can satisfy our “itching ears” (2 Timothy 4:3) by hearing “some new thing” (Acts 17:21) but so that we can be spiritually fed, renewed, and instructed. We follow the scriptures and the prophets, who receive revelation and inspiration from God to guide the Church. If something is repeated often, it may simply mean that we really need to hear it and heed it.