undefined undefined How should I respond to emotional drama among my friends?
How should I respond to emotional drama among my friends?
March 2016

“How should I respond to emotional drama among my friends?” New Era, March 2016, 41

How should I respond to emotional drama among my friends?

If someone is truly hurting emotionally, it’s good to be kind, compassionate, and caring. But sometimes the “drama” is best left alone. Instead, you can take the opportunity to teach correct principles.

For instance, if gossip is the source of the drama, you shouldn’t participate in it. Set an example of good friendship by refusing to talk negatively about people behind their backs. You might even tell your friends that they shouldn’t gossip either. Sometimes drama has to do with two people who are feuding for whatever reason and are trying to force others to take sides. Again, just leave it alone and try to teach true principles of friendship and forgiveness. Drama often has to do with boyfriend-girlfriend relationships. This is a good opportunity to tactfully suggest to your friends why it’s a good idea not to steady date until you’re really ready to think seriously about marriage (see more on pages 12 and 16).

To sum up: be kind, but don’t get sucked into the drama; teach true principles instead.