I’m over 16, but I just don’t want to date. Is it OK if I don’t want to date until I’m older?
April 2016

“I’m over 16, but I just don’t want to date. Is it OK if I don’t want to date until I’m older?” New Era, April 2016, 41

I’m over 16, but I just don’t want to date. Is it OK if I don’t want to date until I’m older?

young woman and young man at a movie

Photo illustration by Cody Bell

After you turn 16, the decision about when to start dating is really up to you and your parents. If you decide to put it off until later, that’s fine. The important thing is to prepare for when you’ll choose someone to marry in the temple.

Dating is one way to get to know members of the opposite sex so that you can learn what qualities you like and acquire social skills that will help as you choose your spouse. If you’re not comfortable with it, that’s OK. Just don’t shun all interaction with the opposite sex entirely. Learn to have normal, friendly relationships with a variety of people. Also, when you say you want to put off dating “until you’re older,” make sure that “older” isn’t too old. When you’re a young adult (in your 20s), you most certainly should be dating with the purpose of finding a spouse. You may want to get at least a little dating experience before that time.
