A Priesthood Blessing
August 2016

“A Priesthood Blessing,” New Era, August 2016, 47

A Priesthood Blessing

Hannah C., Idaho, USA

One night, I became very sick and spent most of the night moaning. I wasn’t able to keep anything down and my stomach was doing somersaults. It took a while, but I finally got up enough courage to ask my dad for a blessing. It was the first father’s blessing I had requested personally, and my dad was not expecting it. He found his little container of oil and blessed me that I would be well and be able to sleep peacefully. As soon as he finished, I felt so much better that I started to cry. The Spirit has never touched me so completely as it did then, and my testimony grew a lot.

So if you’re ever in a difficult situation and you need a priesthood blessing, don’t be afraid to ask your father (or home teacher). It takes courage and strength, but you just feel so much better after. It doesn’t have to just be an illness—anything can call for a blessing, no matter how small it may seem.
