As a young woman, how can I encourage young men to talk, act, and dress more modestly?
April 2017

“As a young woman, how can I encourage young men to talk, act, and dress more modestly?” New Era, April 2017

As a young woman, how can I encourage young men to talk, act, and dress more modestly?

As a young woman, you can have a great and positive influence on the language, behavior, and dress of the young men you know. But of course you also don’t want to appear harshly critical of them. The secret lies in being consistent and encouraging.

Don’t compromise your standards; be an example of them. And be sure to send the same message about those standards in every context and to all young men you know. For instance, the boys who are trying to be good will notice if you’re flirting, dancing, or going on dates with guys who behave badly, and they may draw the wrong conclusions from that observation.

When young men are acting or talking crudely or dressing immodestly, try to send the right signals without condemning them or condoning what they’re doing. You can make a simple comment in a mild tone of voice, make a subtle change to your facial expression, shake your head, politely withdraw—whatever works for the person and the situation. As always, pray for the Spirit’s guidance to know what to do.
