Apply What You Heard
May 2017

“Apply What You Heard,” New Era, May 2017

Apply What You Heard

Share Your Story

Follow your promptings. through the conference messages, the Spirit will teach you of things you can do.

young man at conference

Conference Really Can Change Your Life

Andy C., 14, of Oregon, USA, listened and acted: “In his talk, President Eyring pointed out that family history is the work of our generation. If this is meant to be our work, we should do it often and passionately. My goal is to do family history and find names for the temple.”

Conference Really Can Change Your Life

Shared Stories

You’re not alone. We asked youth from around the world what they learned from conference and what they’re doing differently because of it. Read more of their responses at youth.lds.org.

Inspired to Serve

young woman and clarinet

This conference I have felt our Savior’s love and the power we have to share it through service. President Eyring spoke of the importance of service, and President Monson expressed that testimonies need to be “kept vital and alive.” Linking these two thoughts with a scripture, “Faith without works is dead,” I realized that serving others strengthens us. I thought of the scripture Mosiah 2:17 and was reminded that when we serve and love others, we serve and love God. This has inspired me to pray for service opportunities and to act on the promptings of the Spirit, whatever they may be.

Victoria S., 16, England, United Kingdom

Study and Ponder

young man and basketball

I absolutely loved conference! I felt the Spirit so strongly. Since I’ve started preparing questions and preparing myself spiritually for conference, it’s taken a whole different meaning in my life, and I’ve been able to learn so much more. I felt a strong impression from President Monson’s talk to read the Book of Mormon more often and really study and ponder its teachings. I am so grateful for the prophets and apostles, and I know that they are sent from Heavenly Father to lead us and guide us!

Ben H., 17, Kentucky, USA

Seeking the Light

young woman and soup

Last year was challenging for me. My dad was battling cancer, and there were terrorist attacks in my city. I struggled with anxiety, wondering how I could feel peace when I feared for my spiritual and physical safety. From conference, I learned that we can find peace as we live virtuously, fill our hearts with faith, and keep an eternal perspective. I was inspired to turn to Christ in times of difficulty instead of depending on my own understanding. I know I can overcome the influences of darkness by seeking the brightness of Christ’s light.

Olivia H., 17, Belgium

Pay Attention

young man and airplane

My favorite talk from general conference was by Brother M. Joseph Brough. He told us that Heavenly Father is leading, guiding, and walking beside us. I felt and know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ care for us deeply and guide us with the Spirit personally. Later, Elder Ronald A. Rasband told us to act on the first prompting we get and not to second guess it. After listening to these talks, I felt that I should pay better attention to the Spirit and act on the promptings I receive right away.

Andrew O., 18, New Hampshire, USA

Helping My Ancestors

young woman and books

President Henry B. Eyring said that youth who have done work for their ancestors have gained a deeper testimony of the plan of salvation and have felt closer to our Father in Heaven. I felt a strong prompting to start doing more family history work so I can help my family members that have passed away come closer to Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. I know that as each of us takes time to do this work, we and our family members will be blessed—here and in heaven.

Tami R., 16, Nebraska, USA
