Where should I go to learn the really ‘deep’ doctrine of the Church?
June 2017

“Where should I go to learn the really ‘deep’ doctrine of the Church?” New Era, June 2017

Where should I go to learn the really “deep” doctrine of the Church?

When you hear the word deep in connection with gospel doctrine, it’s sometimes meant to suggest something mysterious, obscure, or difficult to understand. But perhaps a better way of thinking about it is to consider which teachings affect us most deeply. Our relationship with Heavenly Father, His plan, Jesus Christ’s Resurrection and Atonement, His teachings—these and many others are the “deep” doctrine. God has revealed them to prophets. They’re easy to find. They’re in the scriptures. They’re taught by modern prophets and apostles. The Holy Ghost carries them unto our hearts (see 2 Nephi 33:1). They enlarge our souls, enlighten our understandings, and are delicious to us (see Alma 32:28). They help us build “faith unto repentance” (see Alma 34:15–17). They cause a deep change in us. That’s why they’re deep, not because they’re “out there” or hidden.

This doesn’t mean our study should be superficial. There’s plenty to learn through more study. But as Nephi said, “My soul delighteth in plainness; for after this manner doth the Lord God work among the children of men. For the Lord God giveth light unto the understanding” (2 Nephi 31:3).
