undefined undefined How do I balance not judging others and not condoning sin?
How do I balance not judging others and not condoning sin?
July 2017

“How do I balance not judging others and not condoning sin?” New Era, July 2017

How do I balance not judging others and not condoning sin?

We’re commanded to forgive others and leave final judgment to God (see D&C 64:9–11), but this doesn’t mean condoning sin. If we’re around others who are engaging in sinful behavior, we should be a light to them and stand up for what’s right. At a minimum, this means setting a good example by not engaging in sin ourselves and not placing ourselves in questionable situations or company. But should we point out people’s bad behavior to let them know God’s laws and where we stand on them? And if so, when and how should we do it?

The answer probably depends on the situation, the kind of relationship we have with the people involved, and their knowledge of God’s laws. For instance, talking one-on-one to family members and close friends is better than telling a roomful of mere acquaintances to repent. Seek the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. He can guide your words and actions so that you can show the right balance of love, tolerance, and steadfast commitment to the Lord’s standards.