Something That Makes Me Smile—Part 2
September 2017

“Something That Makes Me Smile—Part 2,” New Era, September 2017

Something That Makes Me Smile—Part 2

Something That Makes Me Smile—Part 2

Wow! When we asked you to send us examples of things that make you smile, you really responded! You sent so many great things, we just had to share some more. So, here’s round two of wall-to-wall, gleaming, ear-to-ear beaming.

Playing and listening to music make me happy and can make others smile too. Even when you are in a bad mood, you can listen to music to be in a happier mood when you are listening to uplifting music.

Kate C., 11, Utah, USA

Theatre is an art form I’m very passionate about. Participating in theatre productions at my high school has given me a wonderful group of friends and a great way to spend my time, and it has created a perfect environment for me to share the gospel and spread the love of Jesus Christ.

Madeline C., 17, Indiana, USA

Sharing the gospel makes us smile! We are so happy to be serving a mission and letting people know how much God loves them! He gave us such a wonderful plan and a beautiful chance to learn and grow!

Sister McGuire and Sister Perry, California Ventura Mission

Making fairy houses and landscapes makes me smile because I get to create my own little world where everything sits still and perfect. It helps me appreciate the details and the small things in life, and it’s even more fun to do with my little sister!

Alida C., 17, Utah, USA

I love ballet. Being able to express myself through dance makes me smile every day!

Juliette B., 16, Oregon, USA

I have always felt that whenever I am dancing, I am in a holy place. The power of movement is such a blessing to my life, and I am so grateful that our Heavenly Father has given us bodies so that we can experience the uplifting effects of exercise and motion! I just can’t help but smile whenever I dance or see someone else dance in a way that glorifies God and the temple that is our body!

Marlyna O., 17, Ohio, USA

Photograph by Susan Vrbancic

I’m on a ballroom dance team. It’s good to have a safe place to come and be who I am without worrying about being made fun of. Performing is such a blessing because people will come up to me afterwards and tell me that it was just what they needed that day and it makes all the hard hours of practice worth it.

Hanna M., 15, Washington, USA

I took this picture of the flower bush in my yard. These make me smile because they are so pretty. It makes me think of Jesus Christ and how He created everything for our happiness and how much He loves us.

Amy P., 14, South Carolina, USA

I love photography! We have such a beautiful world all around us and I find joy in capturing pictures of it. Flowers are just a part of what makes me smile in life!

Sarah P., 15, California, USA

I love cats. I always have, and I probably always will. They make me smile. This is a charcoal drawing I made for Studio Art class at school.

Caleb D., 14, Utah, USA

Art and poetry are the ways I can show expression, and they bring me happiness. When I feel something, I draw it or put it into words and make it in a way that brings me joy.

Lily Monet S., 14, California, USA

When life gets me down, I just need to take a step back. Take my mind off of things. I pick up a pencil or a pen, and just start drawing. It calms me down, and I love seeing the image that was in my head down on paper for everyone else to see. It makes me happy to see my talents and to see my talents being shared with others.

Madeline K., 15, New Mexico, USA

Drawing quotes makes me smile because I can share a message from the leaders of our Church with the people I love!

Jayde M., 16, Utah, USA

My dog, Daisy, makes me smile because she is so lovable, quirky, and fun!

Cooper V., 12, Nevada, USA

Creating art relieves the stresses of my day, and makes me smile. I especially enjoy sculpting with clay, painting with watercolors, and drawing anime and manga cartoons.

Mia P., 12, Colorado, USA

I am part of a ballroom dance company. It makes me smile because all the people there have some of the same beliefs as me and are super nice people. Also, I get to do what I like best, to dance!

Emma M., 13, Washington, USA
