March 2018

“@LDSYouth,” New Era, March 2018


young man and piano

Piano Man!

When I was seven years old, our stake leaders asked each ward to choose someone who would be willing to learn to play the piano. I was chosen and began taking lessons from the stake Primary president. When I began learning to play the hymns, I would first read the lyrics. That helped me learn the gospel and feel the Spirit while I practiced. It was hard at first, especially when I started playing hymns for my ward in 2015. Sometimes I cried when I played the wrong notes, but I was determined to get better.

Today, I can play almost all the hymns, including some by memory. Singing the hymns is like saying a prayer to Heavenly Father (see D&C 25:12). The hymns invite the Holy Ghost into our meetings. I think it’s important that investigators feel the Spirit when they come to church. Playing the piano gives me a chance to share my testimony through music.

My name is Carlos V. I live in Chile. I’m 12 years old and serve as ward pianist.

young woman with baked goods

Hello, my name is Felicity. I adore baking, roller blading, and hanging out with friends and family.

I recently had a bake sale for charity. I talked to my bishop to learn more about LDS Charities, and I learned a lot. For example, I learned that it helps lighten the burdens of others all over the world. I decided to donate the bake sale money to LDS Charities.

Felicity K., 12, Alabama, USA

young woman with painting

I’ve been painting for four or five years. I also like to play tennis and be with my family. One of my paintings is of the Salt Lake Temple, which has always been my favorite temple. While I painted it, I felt really in touch with God. I know that God gave me this talent to use the best I could.

Kate S., 14, Utah, USA
