3. Watch for Themes
May 2018

“3. Watch for Themes,” New Era, May 2018

3. Watch for Themes

youth at general conference

Here are a couple of themes we noticed in general conference. Which themes stood out to you? What kinds of repeated messages made an impression on you?

Theme: Easter


What They Said:

“This Easter Sabbath, I joyfully sing, ‘Alleluia.’ The song of our risen Savior’s redeeming love celebrates the harmony of covenants (that connect us to God and to each other) and the Atonement of Jesus Christ (that helps us put off the natural man and woman and yield to the enticings of the Holy Spirit).”

“The most important day in the history of mankind was the day when Jesus Christ … won the victory over death and sin for all of God’s children. And the most important day in your life and mine is the day when we … see Him for who He truly is; when we partake with all our heart and mind of His atoning power; when with renewed enthusiasm and strength, we commit to follow Him. May that be a day that recurs over and over again throughout our lives.”

brothers at general conference

Theme: Ministering


  • Ministering is a way we can assist God with answering prayers, providing comfort, drying tears, and exalting souls (see Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “Be With and Strengthen Them”).

  • We will understand the life and ministry of Christ as we serve and minister to others (see President M. Russell Ballard, “Precious Gifts from God”).

  • Miracles happen when we unite to reach out to others (see Sister Reyna I. Aburto, “With One Accord”).

  • Service is an expression of love. Pure love is the true sign of every true disciple of Jesus Christ (see Elder Massimo De Feo, “Pure Love: The Sign of Every True Disciple”).

What They Said:

“The Lord has made important adjustments in the way we care for each other. Sisters and brothers—old and young—will serve one another in a new, holier way.”

“True ministering is accomplished one by one with love as the motivation. The value and merit and wonder of sincere ministering is that it truly changes lives! When our hearts are open and willing to love and include, encourage and comfort, the power of our ministering will be irresistible. With love as the motivation, miracles will happen.”

Doing His Will

I am so grateful for general conference! Every conference I can feel the divine love of my Savior. I learned that I need to be obedient to God’s commandments to receive His blessings and guidance. I know that service will lighten my burdens as I think of others rather than myself. As I become a true disciple of Christ, I can bless the lives of others with the Light of Christ which is in me. I know that the things I have heard are true! And I am thankful to be a member of this Church!

Kali T., 13, Alberta, Canada

Mercy through His Sacrifice

When we forgive and have mercy, we are following Christ’s example because He sacrificed Himself for all men’s sins, and that shows He has mercy on us. If we make a mistake, we can repent, and God will forgive us if we have a pure heart and are willing to work to improve ourselves. As children of God, we have to include, love, and support one another. Listening to the words of the prophet and apostles can help us strive to live the gospel of Jesus Christ better.

Kristen W., 18, Indiana, USA
