December 2018

“@LDSYouth,” New Era, Dec. 2018, 36–37.


“Savior of the World”

young man dressed as a shepherd

To say that participating in Savior of the World* has changed my life is an incredible understatement. Every single night, without fail, I learned something new. I would be offstage and another cast member would say something that helped me understand a certain gospel principle. Other times, I’d be on stage singing, and the Spirit would confirm what I’m singing is true.

And the scene when the Savior arrives in the upper room to visit Thomas and says, “Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed” (John 20:29)—every single time I hear that line, I just can’t deny the truth of it.

The Lord knows us personally. He knew exactly what I needed each night. Without a doubt, the Spirit was present every single night.

Parker W., 18, Utah, USA

young woman

I was born in India and have 19 siblings, and I love them all like crazy! In Savior of the World, I had lots of fun wearing unique and interesting clothes along with the pounds of stage makeup. I played a resurrected being in the Resurrection scene, which was special for me since I lost two little brothers and thought about how great it will be when we get to see them again when they are resurrected. Being in Savior of the World broadened my understanding of the Savior, His life and what He did for us.

Olivia W., 17, Missouri, USA

young man

I am really excited to share my testimony through Savior of the World. It’s reassuring to me that this is not a technical musical production but a vehicle where anyone, even a teenager like me, can bear witness of the Savior. I am looking forward to building my own testimony through this experience.

Mitchell B., 16, California, USA
