undefined undefined Preparing for the Lord’s Return (excerpts)
Preparing for the Lord’s Return (excerpts)
May 2019

“Preparing for the Lord’s Return (excerpts),” New Era, May 2019, 38–39.

Preparing for the Lord’s Return (excerpts)

young woman

Some time ago in Buenos Aires, Argentina, I participated in a conference with leaders from a wide variety of religious faiths. Their love for their fellowman was unmistakable. They were intent on relieving suffering and helping people rise above oppression and poverty. …

… The Holy Spirit affirmed two things to me: First, the work of ministering to temporal needs is vital and must continue. The second was unexpected, yet powerful and clear. It was this: beyond selfless service, it is supremely important to prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. …

So yes, let us do all we can to relieve suffering and sorrow now, and let us devote ourselves more diligently to the preparations needed for the day when pain and evil are ended altogether. …

… The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is uniquely empowered and commissioned to accomplish the necessary preparations for the Lord’s Second Coming; indeed, it was restored for that purpose. …

What can we do to prepare now for that day? …

First, and crucial for the Lord’s return, is the presence on the earth of a people prepared to receive Him at His coming. …

In ancient times, God took the righteous city of Zion to Himself. By contrast, in the last days a new Zion will receive the Lord at His return. Zion is the pure in heart, a people of one heart and one mind, dwelling in righteousness with no poor among them. … We build up Zion in our homes, wards, branches, and stakes through unity, godliness, and charity. …

An underlying effort in building Zion is the gathering of the Lord’s long-dispersed covenant people. … All who will repent, believe on Christ, and be baptized are His covenant people. …

Also vital to the preparation for the Second Coming is the great redemptive effort on behalf of our ancestors. …

… Let us truly celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and all that it portends: His return to reign for a thousand years of peace, a righteous judgment and perfect justice for all, the immortality of all who ever lived upon this earth, and the promise of eternal life. Christ’s Resurrection is the ultimate assurance that all will be put right. Let us be about building up Zion to hasten that day.