Map My Ancestors
June 2019

“Map My Ancestors,” New Era, June 2019, 44.

Gospel APPlication

Map My Ancestors

For iOS

Map My Ancestors

Wouldn’t it be cool to stand on the same street where your great-great-grandfather used to play baseball with his neighborhood friends? Or to pick a peach from the orchard your great-aunt used to own? Well, now, you can use the Map My Ancestors feature on the Family Tree App to get directions to places like these.

  1. Click on the three horizontal bars in the top left corner of your screen.

  2. From the drop-down menu, select “Map My Ancestors.”

    On your screen, you should see a world map with blue bubbles. The numbers in the bubbles mark your ancestors’ life events, such as where they were born, raised, married, and buried.

  3. When you tap a blue bubble, the world map zooms in and the bubbles break apart to show the specific locations of your ancestors’ life events. You may even see pictures of your ancestors in place of the bubbles.

    Below the world map and the bubbles, you should see a list of ancestors and their life events. You can tap on an ancestor’s name to show the specific locations of their life events.

  4. From here, you can tap on the map icon to get directions so you can visit the location of this life event (if the address is available). Or you can select other life events and watch the map take you to different locations that relate to your ancestor’s life. You might even cross the ocean—like your ancestors may have done.

    By cliking on Settings in the top right corner, you are given three Map Types for viewing: Map, Satellite, or Map and Satellite view.
