undefined undefined Fun Stop
Fun Stop
September 2019

“Fun Stop,” New Era, Sept. 2019, 24–25.

Fun Stop

Fun Stop

The Extra Smile

Pirate in bishop’s office

No, you can’t pay your tithing with stolen treasure.

Val Chadwick Bagley. Idea by Grant P., Arizona, USA

Old people watching young people in backyard

In my day, kids went into the neighbor’s yard to get back their baseball, not their drone.

Ryan Stoker

Mixed-Up Menu

Ever tried eating spaghetti with a handful of tortilla chips? Or enjoyed the first course of a meal that consisted of nothing but a cookie, knife, and napkin?

Here’s a fun activity you can plan for your next youth activity or family night. Create a menu where all the items are in code. Each participant fills out several items from the menu for each of three courses. But there’s a catch. They must fill out all three courses ahead of time, before any food has been brought out.

See if you can match the code names below with their real life counterparts. Then create a menu from some of these (or names you create) and watch the hilarity ensue! Note: in your activity, you won’t provide the actual names for them to compare.

  1. Excalibur, the Younger Years

  2. Vampire Talisman

  3. Orange Commas

  4. Dip-Destroyers

  5. Sesame-Topped Satisfaction

  6. 360 Degrees of Russet

  7. Arctic Samples

  8. Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Mesosphere

  9. Gluten-enshrouded Goodness

  10. The Wrath of Poseidon

  11. Discs of Delight

  12. When Blonde Goes Auburn

  13. Disappearing Fractions

  14. Sweet Solidified Sunlight

  15. Lovely Liquefied Sunlight

  16. Mistakes-Be-Gone

  17. Perfected Extract of Bovine

  18. Moses’s Finest Hour

  19. Flopsy’s Faves

  20. Moon Rocks

  21. Dish’s Sweetheart

Actual Names

  1. Water

  2. Fruit juice

  3. Ice cubes

  4. Napkin

  5. Fork

  6. Knife

  7. Spoon

  8. Chips (crisps) or crackers

  9. Garlic bread

  10. Veggies or salad

  11. Fresh fruit

  12. Cheese

  13. Sandwich

  14. Macaroni and cheese

  15. Spaghetti

  16. Pizza

  17. Baked potato

  18. Hamburger

  19. Lasagna, parfait, or anything else layered

  20. Cookies

  21. Ice cream

Emojis and Scriptures

Can you figure out which scripture stories are told by these emojis?

Hink Pink Think

What’s a hink pink (a rhyming word pair) for somebody who hangs out on the sofa and is constantly grumpy? A couch grouch! (Oh, yeah. Go ahead and bask in the cheesiness.) Can you figure out the rest of the hink pinks?

  1. The person who sells you an appliance for making smoothies.

  2. When you go on a somewhat aimless walk and think deeply about the scriptures.

  3. A large, round ball of incredibly hard rock that travels around a sun.

  4. An institution of learning dedicated to studying precious stones.

  5. When Jacob Marley—Scrooge’s old business partner—heats bread and butters it.

  6. A sacrament meeting address that discusses parables about groups of sheep.


Mixed-Up Menu

  1. F

  2. I

  3. N

  4. H

  5. R

  6. Q

  7. C

  8. S

  9. M

  10. E

  11. T

  12. O

  13. P

  14. K

  15. B

  16. D

  17. U

  18. A

  19. J

  20. L

  21. G (as in, “the dish ran away with the spoon” from “Hey Diddle Diddle!”)

Emojis and Scriptures

  1. Lehi’s dream (see 1 Nephi 8)

  2. God touches stones to light the Jaredite barges (see Ether 3)

  3. Jesus Christ feeds the 5,000 (see Mark 6:35–44)

  4. The ten virgins (Matthew 25:1–13)

  5. Joseph flees Potifar’s wife (Genesis 39:7-9)

  6. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego survive the fiery furnace (Daniel 3)

Hink Pink Think

  1. Blender Vendor

  2. Ponder Wander

  3. Granite Planet

  4. Jewel School

  5. Ghost Toast

  6. Flock Talk