Covenant Women in Partnership with God (excerpts)
November 2019

“Covenant Women in Partnership with God (excerpts),” New Era, Nov. 2019, 14–15.

Covenant Women in Partnership with God (excerpts)

Eyring quote

Every daughter of God listening to my voice has received a call from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Your call began when you were placed into mortality. … In the spirit world, [Heavenly Father] knew you and taught you and placed you where you would have the opportunity … to be invited into a baptismal font. …

When you came out of the water, you had accepted another call to serve. … You covenanted with God to take upon yourself the name of Jesus Christ, to keep His commandments, and to serve Him.

For each one who makes these covenants, the service that the Lord calls him or her to do will be suited perfectly to that person. The covenant daughters and sons of God, however, all share one important and joyful call. It is to serve others for Him. …

You cannot know when, or for what length of time, your personal mission will be focused on service in calls such as mother, leader, or ministering sister. … Yet you know from scripture and living prophets that all of these assignments will come, either in this life or in the next, to every daughter of God. And all of them are preparation for eternal life in loving families—“the greatest of all the gifts of God” [Doctrine and Covenants 14:7]. …

… I promise that you will find joy in your journey to your heavenly home as you return to Him as a covenant-keeping daughter of God.
