“Fun Stop,” New Era, Jan. 2020, 40–41.
Fun Stop
The Extra Smile
Well, I finally went viral. … All my friends got the flu bug from me.
Jon Clark
Our Wi-Fi network is called “Liahona.” It works according to our faith, diligence, and our ability to complete our chores without murmuring!
Kevin Beckstrom
Anthony! Slow down! No one is going to take your food away from you!
Are you sure about that, Mom?
Ryan Stoker
New Year, New Crossword
1. 6-down’s father’s compass
8. “I am the ____, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6)
11. Wrath
14. Clothed
15. Body part that a person has two of but that should be single (see Matthew 6:22)
16. There can’t be more than this (abbr.)
17. What 6-down and his brothers asked 1-down for
19. It’s right under your nose
20. Assist
21. “All who will come unto ____ … may be saved” (introduction to the Book of Mormon)
22. “Wo be unto him that is at ____ in Zion!” (2 Nephi 28:24)
23. Bird crib
25. “I think it’s likely”
27. Change
28. It’s thrown at a board and scored
30. Like the least well-done scrambled eggs
32. “For as in Adam all ___, even so in Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Corinthians 15:22)
33. “Please, ______ of you!”
34. Enchantment
37. What 6-down’s father dwelt in
40. Drink daintily
43. Table in Tijuana
44. Sometimes people turn over a new one of these
46. Make a mistake
47. Son of ___ (title of the Savior)
48. What the nose knows
49. “Deliver thyself as a ____ from the hand of the hunter” (Proverbs 6:5)
50. “How great thou ____” (Hymns, no. 86)
51. Like 6-down’s parents
52. Maps within maps
54. Rower’s tool
55. “I can’t drive. I need ____”
56. Verse that’s worse
62. Thick veins of ore
63. Sick
64. “Nifty!”
65. Where Daniel was thrown in with lions
66. “Do not procrastinate the ____ of your repentance” (Alma 34:33)
67. “I had seen a vision; ____ it” (Joseph Smith—History 1:25)
1. See 17-across
2. “My performance wasn’t perfect, but at least ____”
3. Slightly sorrowful
4. “I am encircled about eternally in the arms of ____ love” (2 Nephi 1:15)
5. Surgeons’ spaces (abbr.)
6. See 1-across, 17-across, 37-across, 51-across, and 41-down
7. Make it up as you go along
8. Drenched
9. Different way to say 10-down
10. See 9-down
11. “Sorry ____. The bus broke down”
12. Lifts up
13. Specialist
18. North, Central, or South in the Western Hemisphere
22. Priest who taught Samuel
24. Prune
26. Where one might use 48-down
27. He delivered the gold plates to Joseph Smith
29. Players on the same side
31. Need for playing tennis or fishing
35. Things to shift
36. “That’s right, ____ it?”
38. “Little children ____ no repentance, neither baptism” (Moroni 8:11)
39. Like Goliath
40. Released in installments or episodes
41. What we should hold fast to, according to visions of 6-down and his father
42. To direct or govern
45. What a 34-across carpet can do
48. It comes in bar or liquid form
51. “____ sorrow worketh repentance” (2 Corinthians 7:10)
53. Adam and Eve’s first home
56. “O Babylon, O Babylon, we ____ thee farewell” (Hymns, no. 319)
57. In the style of
58. Exclamation of (often pretend) alarm
59. What light-skinned people may try to get in the sun
60. Way or course (abbr.)
61. Cry of pain or dismay
Crack the Code
Can you solve these terms and phrases hidden in plain sight?
Caption Contest
Ring in the New Year by lending your best creativity to this photo! Send in your top punch lines to newera.ChurchofJesusChrist.org. In the meantime, check out some favorite entries from the last contest.
Daddy, Mommy said you were cute! She needs glasses, too.
-Val S.
I know … hard to believe, but I’m a missionary. All they said I had to do was grow a foot or two. I’m 1.5! Perfect!
—Audra M.
When you show your parents a meme.
—Hannah W.
This online babysitting thing is working out great!
—Grace R.
Do you guys want to fly with an inexperienced pilot?
—Joel R.
Wait a minute. Before you launch that airplane and send it vrooming toward my face, let me put these on.
—David E.
Am I Mormon? No, silly, he died a long time ago!
—Ethan R.
School picture, no problemo.
—Elaine H.
Lobster biiiiiiiiiisque!
—Multiple submissions (check out #StudioC for the joke)
Finally, my invention is complete! Some people call it a spoon, but the “Peas Tosser” sounds way cooler!
—Lorna W.
When the seminary teacher says, “Now this is a tough one,” but you still get it right.
—Hannah L.
New Year, New Crossword
Across: 1. Liahona 8. way 11. ire 14. attired 15. eye 16. max 17. brass plates 19. lip 20. aid 21. him 22. ease 23. nest 25. I bet 27. alter 28. dart 30. runniest 32. die 33. I beg 34. magic 37. tent 40. sip 43. mesa 44. leaf 46. err 47. Man 48. smell 49. roe 50. art 51. goodly 52. insets 54. oar 55. a ride 56. bad poetry 62. lodes 63. ill 64. neato 65. den 66. day 67. I knew Down: 1. Laban 2. I tried 3. a tad sad 4. his 5. ORs 6. Nephi 7. ad lib 8. wet 9. aye 10. yes 11. I’m late 12. raises 13. expert 18. America 22. Eli 24. trim 26. tub 27. Angel Moroni 29. teammates 31. net 35. gears 36. isn’t 38. need 39. tall 40. serial 41. iron rod 42. preside 45. fly 48. soap 51. godly 53. Eden 56. bid 57. à la 58. eek 59. tan 60. rte 61. yow
Crack the Code
1. peace on earth 2. actions speak louder than words 3. long time, no see 4. no way around it 5. face plant 6. cliffhanger 7. “ ‘Give,’ Said the Little Stream”