If I confess a sin to the bishop, I’m worried I’ll lose privileges and respect. What should I do?
March 2020

“If I confess a sin to the bishop, I’m worried I’ll lose privileges and respect. What should I do?” New Era, Mar. 2020, 26–27.

Questions & Answers

“If I confess a sin to the bishop, I’m worried I’ll lose privileges and respect. What should I do?”

young man

Photograph from Getty Images

The Bishop Loves You

Though the bishop is a judge, it is important to remember that he is not there to be judgmental of us. He loves us and wants to help us return to Heavenly Father. Also, the bishop can help us repent of our sins. When we truly repent, we are forgiven and able to receive all blessings available to us. I would much rather confess my sins and be worthy of a privilege or calling than have a privilege or calling and feel guilty while holding it.

Hannah M., 19, Virginia, USA

Have Courage

The bishop is not just a guy in your ward; he is appointed of God to help you. He is there to help you draw closer to the Savior and know how to repent and become clean. The Lord wants you to repent and He appoints men on earth to help us repent and to come back to Him. Having courage to talk to your bishop does not show that you are weak and not worthy of respect; it shows strength.

Hannah S., 17, Texas, USA

Don’t Be Afraid

The bishop is there to help you, whatever comes your way. You can talk to him. You can also ask your parents. They are also there to help you. They want you to talk to them; they want to help you. You don’t have to be afraid.

Benjamin W., 12, Washington, USA

He Wants What’s Best for You

If a friend of mine is afraid of confessing to the bishop, I would tell them that it’s OK and that the bishop wants you to tell him because he wants what’s best for you and that he can give you good advice. You can also learn from your mistakes and be a better person.

Abram C., 13, California, USA

It Is Absolutely Worth It

I believe that it is important to detach yourself from the situation that was tempting you. Losing certain privileges would be difficult for a few weeks, but it is in no way worth sacrificing becoming clean again and growing closer to your Heavenly Father. The peace and lasting happiness that will eventually come from repentance will make your sacrifice absolutely worth it.

Evelyn Y., 17, Utah
