Firm Foundations
April 2020

“Firm Foundations,” New Era, Apr. 2020, 46–47.

Firm Foundations

I Heard without a Sound

man and boy on pioneer trek

Illustrations by Chris Thornock

For youth conference one year, we went on a pioneer trek reenactment. I was terrified. It wasn’t that I minded walking for miles and miles a day—I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to hear anything.

I lost my hearing to meningitis when I was three years old. With technology now, I can hear with a cochlear implant. But just before trek, I broke my good implant playing basketball and had to use a backup processor. It had only one battery, which lasted about 6 hours.

I didn’t know what to do—I just wanted to feel peace and comfort. So I asked my dad for a blessing. He blessed me that Heavenly Father would take care of me if I showed faith.

All during trek, I took my implant on and off to preserve battery life. One day we were heading up into a cove, and I felt strongly that I should take off my implant. I was reluctant because my trek pa was sharing a spiritual message and I wanted to hear it. But I remembered my dad’s blessing and put the implant in my pocket.

As we walked a little further, I heard a voice in my head. It was so clear. I looked up and realized that the words in my head were the same words my trek pa was saying. I could hear every word of his testimony!

I know that Heavenly Father loves us and cares about our worries. He wants to bless us; He just asks that we show a little faith in Him.

Brody S., Wyoming, USA

He Multiplied My Time


During a particularly rough week at school, it seemed like all my classes had assignments due, with tons of readings and quizzes. I just wanted to break down and give up. I didn’t have enough time!

One day, I was feeling pretty low when I came across a quote by President Russell M. Nelson. It said, “I promise you that as you consistently give the Lord a generous portion of your time, He will multiply the remainder” (“Stand as True Millennials,” Ensign, Oct. 2016, 29).

I decided to read the entire talk. After that, I knew exactly what I needed to do. I needed to give more time to the Lord through meaningful prayer and scripture study and by going to the temple more often.

As soon as I started doing that, things began to change. It felt like I had so much more time to get everything done. I got plenty of sleep and even had time to spend with my friends! School hadn’t changed—it was still busy. But I had changed.

Now, whenever I need more time, I remember President Nelson’s promise. I know if I make my relationship with my Savior my first priority, He will bless me with enough time to do everything else.

Clark D., Utah, USA

A Picture of Hope

hand holding a picture of President Nelson with a girl

When I was younger, I followed bad examples. I was curious to do the things my friends were doing. But I started feeling lost and sad. To make things worse, my family went through a lot of trials. My mom was diagnosed with a serious illness, and my brother tried to take his own life.

With all of this going on, I lost faith. It was hard to go to church because I didn’t feel like I belonged. But after a while, my leaders’ lessons made me realize that I still believed, even though my testimony was weak.

I had to work hard to stop doing and even thinking about things I knew were bad for me. I often prayed for the Lord’s help as I repented. Then one day, I found a photo of when I was a little girl and President Russell M. Nelson visited our ward. He was carrying me. I knew the photo was a reminder that God was looking out for me.

I know Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for my sins. He can sustain us through hard things and help us find the right path, even if we get lost for a time.

Maria O., Ecuador
