He Goes before Us (excerpts)
May 2020

“He Goes before Us (excerpts),” New Era, May 2020, 16–17.

He Goes before Us (excerpts)

missionaries teaching

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My preparation [for this conference] took me to the record of an event in the Restoration. I had read about that event many times. … But this time I saw in the account how
the Lord leads us, His disciples, in His Church. I saw what

it means for us mortals to be led by the Savior of the world, the Creator—who knows all things, past, present, and future. He teaches us step by step and guides us, never forcing.

… Much of [Joseph Smith’s] account [of this meeting] is recorded in Doctrine and Covenants section 110. …

After the keys of the gathering of Israel were committed to Joseph, the Lord inspired the Prophet to send out members of the Twelve on missions. As I studied, it became clear to me that the Lord had prepared in detail the way for the Twelve to go on missions abroad where people had been prepared to believe and sustain them. …

… The Lord had inspired Joseph and those faithful missionaries who went to work to achieve a harvest that must have, at the time, seemed beyond them. But the Lord, with His perfect foresight and preparation, made it possible. …

I testify that the Lord [sees] far into the future and how He [will] lead us to help Him accomplish His purposes in the last days. …

… He has raised up and prepared faithful people who choose to do hard things well. He has always been lovingly patient in helping us learn “line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little” [2 Nephi 28:30]. He is firm in the timing and the sequence of His intentions, yet He ensures that sacrifice often brings continuing blessings that we did not foresee. …

… The Lord is leading the Restoration of His gospel and His Church. He goes before us. He knows the future perfectly. He invites you to the work. He joins you in it. He has in place a plan for your service. And even as you sacrifice, you will feel joy as you help others rise to be ready for His coming.
