United in Accomplishing God’s Work (excerpts)
May 2020

“United in Accomplishing God’s Work (excerpts),” New Era, May 2020, 18–19.

United in Accomplishing God’s Work (excerpts)


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[Adam and Eve] were focused on helping their children … understand and embrace those principles that would make them happy in this life, as well as prepared to return to their heavenly parents after having increased their abilities and proved their obedience to God. …

… One of the first elements of Christ’s original Church to be restored was the authority of the priesthood of God. As the Restoration continued to unfold, men and women began to realize anew the importance and potential of working as partners, authorized and directed in this sacred labor by Him. …

Unity is essential to the divine work we are privileged and called to do, but it doesn’t just happen. It takes effort and time to really counsel together—to listen to one another, understand other’s viewpoints, and share experiences—but the process results in more inspired decisions. …

… Women do possess distinctive, divine gifts and are given unique responsibilities, but those are not more—or less—important than men’s gifts and responsibilities. All are designed and needed to bring about Heavenly Father’s divine plan to give each of His children the best opportunity to fulfill his or her divine potential. …

Seeing women as vital participants is not about creating parity but about understanding doctrinal truth. …

May each of us choose to become united in the Lord’s inspired way to help His work go forward.
