Tree of Life AR
June 2020

“Tree of Life AR,” New Era, June 2020, 23.

Gospel APPlication

Tree of Life AR

Tree of Life AR


Have you ever wished you could see Lehi’s vision of the Tree of Life? Well, now you can! With the Tree of Life AR app, you can explore it all on your own.

To get started, choose the floor or table as your viewing surface. Once you’ve gotten it all set up, you can start looking around.


Tapping on a character lets you read scriptures about them, watch video clips, and find discussion questions.


Tapping on a location can help you learn more about what each thing in the vision represents. For example, what exactly is the straight and narrow path?

Icons will pop up when you click on characters or locations.

Look Around

Explore different aspects of the vision.


Use these questions to ponder different parts of the vision.


View for greater understanding of Lehi’s vision.


Refer to the scriptural account.

Scale View

Experience Lehi’s vision from a different perspective.
