It’s so easy to play on my phone rather than do homework or study the scriptures. How can I stay focused?
July 2020

“It’s so easy to play on my phone rather than do homework or study the scriptures. How can I stay focused?” New Era, July 2020, 44–45.

Questions & Answers

“It’s so easy to play on my phone rather than do homework or study the scriptures. How can I stay disciplined?”

young man with phone and earbuds

Use Reminders

Put a reminder on your phone for when you get home so you don’t get distracted by it. Set a certain time for homework and scripture study and keep those habits to get the important things done first.

Megan J., 15, Utah, USA

Follow Church Accounts

I personally follow lots of Church accounts. So even though I spend a lot of time on Facebook, Instagram, or other social media, it’s not time-wasting because I read uplifting and inspiring words. I even get updated with new happenings in the Church, and I also get answers to my questions.

Jamille T., 19, Tarlac, Philippines

Delete the Distractions

Delete all your social media apps or anything that is distracting you. I have found that when you don’t have access to those apps, you focus more on what’s important. It not only helped me in my studies, but I found myself less hooked on social media and more interested in the real world.

Michael S., 21, California, USA

Make a Schedule

I make a schedule for everything—reading the scriptures, my prayers, and my time to use my cell phone. I know that as I do the things Christ wants me to first, other things will be added. Don’t forget that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you and want you to live in the world, not of the world, as you distinguish right from wrong.

Letícia C., 14, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil


It’s easy to lose a lot of time using social media and end up leaving things like scripture study and schoolwork for later. But it’s clear this isn’t using our time how we should. We can never forget that regular scripture study is much more important than an entire afternoon spent on Facebook or other social media. So when we have to make our choices, we should remember to prioritize what is most important and not things that are only momentary.

Kailani R., 17, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
