undefined undefined To the Point
To the Point
October 2020

“To the Point,” New Era, Oct. 2020, 45.

To the Point

If I’ve had mental health challenges, can I still serve a mission?


Yes. All who “have desires to serve God … are called to the work” (Doctrine and Covenants 4:3). Where we serve is less important than how we serve. And anyone thinking of serving a mission will have their physical and mental health taken into consideration.

If you have a desire to serve a mission, talk to your bishop. He can help you begin the process of applying. Part of that process will include consulting with doctors and other professionals, as well as Church leaders and parents. These consultations are not meant to evaluate whether you’re “good enough” for the Lord but to help determine the best options for your service.

A call to serve can come to anyone with desires to serve. The assignment you receive to serve in a particular place or in a particular way can depend on many factors. People with health challenges (including mental health) have sometimes tried to withhold this information in the application process, thinking that will help them receive the assignment they want. But if you are completely honest about your medical history (including mental health), the Lord will bless you. He expects you to do all you can to improve your health. And much of the medical support you receive at home can be continued in the mission field.