undefined undefined 11. Far West Temple Site
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11. Far West Temple Site

11. Far West Temple Site

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The settlement of Far West, Missouri, became the home for 3,000 to 5,000 Saints who sought refuge from persecution in Jackson and Clay Counties. In 1838 the Lord commanded the Saints to build a temple here (see D&C 115:7–8). Mob persecution prevented them from doing so. On October 31 of that year, the Prophet Joseph Smith and other Church leaders were arrested and, after a committing trial in Richmond, imprisoned in Liberty Jail. During the winter of 1838–39, the Latter-day Saints were driven from Far West and other sites in Missouri and relocated in Illinois.

Significant Events: A temple site was dedicated and the cornerstones were laid. Seven revelations published in the Doctrine and Covenants were received (sections 113–15; 117–20). Joseph F. Smith, the sixth President of the Church, was born November 13, 1838, in Far West. Far West served briefly as the headquarters of the Church under the Prophet Joseph Smith.