Charge See also Accusation; Command gave them a charge unto the children of Israel, Ex. 6:13. gave him a charge, as the Lord commanded, Num. 27:23. charged him to build an house for the Lord, 1 Chr. 22:6. charged me to build him an house, 2 Chr. 36:23 (Ezra 1:2). he shall give his angels charge over thee, Ps. 91:11 (Matt. 4:6; Luke 4:10). keep my charge, Zech. 3:7. he charged them straitly that no man should know it, Mark 5:43 (Matt. 9:30; 17:9; Mark 9:9). Lord, lay not this sin to their charge, Acts 7:60. make the gospel of Christ without charge, 1 Cor. 9:18. charge some that they teach no other doctrine, 1 Tim. 1:3. relieve them, and let not the church be charged, 1 Tim. 5:16. Charge them that are rich in this world, 1 Tim. 6:17. that it may not be laid to their charge, 2 Tim. 4:16. give unto them every one his charge, Alma 35:16. I have given … mine angels charge concerning you, D&C 84:42 (109:22).