supposing that I spake of the brethren of the church, 1Â Ne. 4:26.
they were called the church of God, Mosiah 18:17.
formed a church of God, Mosiah 21:30.
Alma … founder of their church, Mosiah 23:16 (29:47).
did belong to the church, Mosiah 25:18.
to ordain priests and teachers over every church, Mosiah 25:19.
they were all one church, Mosiah 25:22.
this is my church, Mosiah 26:22.
persecutions which were inflicted on the church, Mosiah 27:1.
concerning all the affairs of the church, Mosiah 29:42.
bearing down against the church, Alma 1:3.
establish the church more fully, Alma 4:4 (5:2–62).