Council in Heaven See also Foreordination; Man, Antemortal Existence of sons of God shouted for joy, Job 38:7. exalt my throne above the stars of God, Isa. 14:13. I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven, Luke 10:18. war in heaven, Rev. 12:7. an angel of God … fallen from heaven, 2 Ne. 2:17. called and prepared from the foundation of the world, Alma 13:3. he rebelled against me, D&C 29:36. an angel … rebelled against the … Son, D&C 76:25. Satan rebelled against me, Moses 4:3. intelligences that were organized before the world, Abr. 3:22. Gods took counsel among themselves, Abr. 4:26. end our work, which we have counseled, Abr. 5:2.