Deep, Deeper darkness was upon the face of the deep, Gen. 1:2. all the fountains of the great deep broken up, Gen. 7:11. thy thoughts are very deep, Ps. 92:5. his wonders in the deep, Ps. 107:24. Lord hath poured out … deep sleep, Isa. 29:10 (2 Ne. 27:5). them that seek deep to hide their counsel, Isa. 29:15 (2 Ne. 27:27; 28:9). a people of a deeper speech than thou canst perceive, Isa. 33:19. He revealeth the deep and secret things, Dan. 2:22. not command them to go out into the deep, Luke 8:31. the well is deep, John 4:11. Who shall descend into the deep, Rom. 10:7. Spirit searcheth … the deep things of God, 1 Cor. 2:10. night and a day I have been in the deep, 2 Cor. 11:25. Lord caused a deep sleep to come upon the Lamanites, Mosiah 24:19. all drunken, and were in a deep sleep, Alma 55:15. if thou be cast into the deep, D&C 122:7. he shall stand … upon the mighty ocean, even the great deep, D&C 133:20.