Familiar See also Spirits, Evil or Unclean; Superstitions Regard not them that have familiar spirits, Lev. 19:31. turneth after such as have familiar spirits, Lev. 20:6. hath a familiar spirit … be put to death, Lev. 20:27. consulter with familiar spirits, Deut. 18:11. put away those that had familiar spirits, 1 Sam. 28:3. Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, 1 Sam. 28:7 (1 Chr. 10:13). dealt with familiar spirits, 2 Kgs. 21:6 (2 Chr. 33:6). Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, Isa. 8:19 (19:3; 2 Ne. 18:19). be familiar with all, Jacob 2:17.