Fowl See also Bird Let the waters bring forth … fowl, Gen. 1:20. fowls also of the air by sevens, Gen. 7:3. sacrifice for his offering … be of fowls, Lev. 1:14. Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, Matt. 6:26 (3 Ne. 12:26). fowls came and devoured them, Matt. 13:4 (Mark 4:4; Luke 8:5). fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow, Mark 4:32 (Luke 13:19). how much more are ye better than the fowls, Luke 12:24. were all manner of … fowls of the air, Acts 10:12 (11:6). fowls were filled with their flesh, Rev. 19:21. after he had created … the fowls of the air, 2 Ne. 2:15. fowls … ordained for the use of man, D&C 49:19.