Get, Gotten I have gotten a man from the Lord, Gen. 4:1. Get thee out of thy country, Gen. 12:1 (Acts 7:3; Abr. 2:3). Get wisdom, get understanding, Prov. 4:5. time to get, and a time to lose, Eccl. 3:6. Get thee behind me, Satan, Matt. 16:23 (Mark 8:33). churches … built up to get gain, 1 Ne. 22:23 (2 Ne. 26:20; Alma 10:32; 11:20; Hel. 6:8; Moses 5:31). forbidden, to get in debt to thine enemies, D&C 64:27. as soon as they get a little authority … exercise unrighteous dominion, D&C 121:39. Get thee hence, Satan, Moses 1:16. exertions were used to get them from me, JS—H 1:60.