Meetings See also Assembly for Worship; Church; Worship first day there shall be an holy convocation, Ex. 12:16 (Lev. 23:7, 35; Num. 29:1). people out of the camp to meet with God, Ex. 19:17. there I will meet with thee, Ex. 25:22. sabbath of rest, an holy convocation, Lev. 23:3. tenth day of this seventh month … an holy convocation, Lev. 23:27. seventh day ye shall have an holy convocation, Num. 28:25. When all Israel is come to appear before the Lord, Deut. 31:11. they shall keep my laws … in all mine assemblies, Ezek. 44:24. where two or three are gathered together, Matt. 18:20 (D&C 6:32). first day of the week … disciples were assembled, John 20:19. place was shaken where they were assembled together, Acts 4:31. assembled themselves with the church, and taught, Acts 11:26. first day … disciples came together to break bread, Acts 20:7. when ye come together in the church, 1 Cor. 11:18. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, Heb. 10:25. one day in every week … gather themselves together to teach the people, and to worship, Mosiah 18:25. ye shall meet together oft, 3 Ne. 18:22. meeting together oft both to pray and to hear the word, 4 Ne. 1:12. did meet together oft to partake of bread, Moro. 6:6. conduct the meetings … by the Holy Ghost, D&C 20:45. meet in conference once in three months, D&C 20:61. expedient that the church meet together often, D&C 20:75. deliver him or her up … to the elders … in a meeting, D&C 42:89. when ye are assembled together ye shall instruct, D&C 43:8. never to cast any one out from your public meetings, D&C 46:3. go to the house of prayer … upon my holy day, D&C 59:9. See also Neh. 8:1–3; 9:1–3.