Officer See also Church Organization; Delegation of Responsibility; Elder; Elder, Melchizedek Priesthood; High Priest, Aaronic Priesthood; High Priest, Melchizedek Priesthood; Leadership; Office; Priesthood Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh’s, Gen. 37:36. Let Pharaoh … appoint officers over the land, Gen. 41:34. to be the elders of the people, and officers over them, Num. 11:16. Judges and officers shalt thou make thee, Deut. 16:18. those officers provided victual for king Solomon, 1 Kgs. 4:27. judge deliver thee to the officer, Matt. 5:25 (Luke 12:58). judge … sent forth officers, Alma 11:2. merchants in the land … and many officers, 3 Ne. 6:11. school of the prophets … for all the officers of the church, D&C 88:127. there are presidents, or presiding officers, D&C 107:21. duty of the Twelve, also, to ordain … all the other officers, D&C 107:58. give unto you the officers belonging to my Priesthood, D&C 124:123. all governments … require civil officers, D&C 134:3.