did revile against Moses, and also against God, 1 Ne. 17:42.
ye will revile against the truth, 2 Ne. 9:40.
Wo unto them that … revile against that which is good, 2 Ne. 28:16.
revile no more against them because of the darkness of their skins, Jacob 3:9.
saw that he would revile even against God, Alma 30:29.
do not revile against those who do cast you out, Alma 34:40.
Why do you suffer this man to revile against us, Hel. 8:5.
when Nephi had declared … the word … they did revile against him, Hel. 10:15.
receive … all manner of afflictions, and would not turn and revile again, 3 Ne. 6:13.
people did revile against the prophets, Ether 7:24.