stirreth up … secret combinations, 2 Ne. 9:9.
must needs destroy the secret works of darkness, 2 Ne. 10:15.
secret combinations … the combinations of the devil, 2 Ne. 26:22 (3 Ne. 6:27–30).
their works shall be in the dark, 2 Ne. 28:9.
judgments of God did come upon … secret combinations, Alma 37:30.
to gain power … was their secret plan, and their combination, Hel. 2:8 (Ether 11:15).
secret oaths and covenants … were put into the heart of Gadianton by that same being, Hel. 6:26.
secret society of Gadianton, 3 Ne. 3:9 (4 Ne. 1:42).
secret combinations and the works of darkness, Morm. 8:27 (8:40).
a secret combination … most abominable and wicked, Ether 8:18.
old plans, and administered oaths after the manner of the ancients, Ether 10:33.
reject … prophets, because of their secret society, Ether 11:22.