I should make these plates, 1 Ne. 9:3.
bow, which was made of fine steel, 1 Ne. 16:18.
did make tools of the ore, 1 Ne. 17:16.
I did teach my people to build, 2 Ne. 5:15.
their skill was in the bow, Enos 1:20.
became exceedingly rich … in buildings, and in machinery, and also in iron, Jarom 1:8.
prepared his people with breastplates, Alma 43:19.
erecting small forts … building walls of stone, Alma 48:8.
Hagoth … built him an exceedingly large ship, Alma 63:5.
exceedingly expert in the working of cement, Hel. 3:7.
did build barges, Ether 2:6 (2:16–17).
did molten out of a rock sixteen small stones, Ether 3:1.
did work in all manner of ore, Ether 10:23.