smoke … went up as the smoke of a furnace, Gen. 19:28.
Sinai was altogether on a smoke, Ex. 19:18.
flame … with a pillar of smoke, Judg. 20:40.
he toucheth the hills, and they smoke, Ps. 104:32.
as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard, Prov. 10:26.
door moved … and the house was filled with smoke, Isa. 6:4 (2 Ne. 16:4).
smoking flax shall he not quench, Isa. 42:3 (Matt. 12:20).
as the smoke out of the chimney, Hosea 13:3.
I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth … and pillars of smoke, Joel 2:30 (Acts 2:19; 1 Ne. 19:11; 22:18; Morm. 8:29; D&C 45:41).