house divided against itself shall not stand, Matt. 12:25 (Mark 3:25).
accounted worthy … to stand before the Son, Luke 21:36.
Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, Luke 24:36.
came Jesus and stood in the midst, John 20:19 (3 Ne. 17:12).
kings of the earth stood up, Acts 4:26.
Jesus standing on the right hand of God, Acts 7:55.
thou standest by faith, Rom. 11:20.
we shall all stand before the judgment seat, Rom. 14:10.
faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, 1 Cor. 2:5.
him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall, 1 Cor. 10:12.
stand fast in the faith, 1 Cor. 16:13.
Stand fast therefore in the liberty, Gal. 5:1 (Alma 58:40).
able to withstand … and having done all, to stand, Eph. 6:13.
stand fast in one spirit, Philip. 1:27.
stand fast in the Lord, Philip. 4:1 (1 Thes. 3:8).
prayers, that ye may stand perfect, Col. 4:12.
stand fast, and hold the traditions, 2 Thes. 2:15.
judge standeth before the door, James 5:9.
I stand at the door, and knock, Rev. 3:20.
wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand, Rev. 6:17.
I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God, Rev. 20:12.