Stink Ye have troubled me to make me to stink, Gen. 34:30. river shall stink, Ex. 7:18. it did not stink, neither was there any worm, Ex. 16:24. instead of sweet smell there shall be stink, Isa. 3:24 (2 Ne. 13:24). their stink shall come up out of their carcases, Isa. 34:3. his stink shall come up, Joel 2:20. I have made the stink of your camps to come up, Amos 4:10. him that was dead … by this time he stinketh, John 11:39. I make … their fish to stink, 2 Ne. 7:2 (D&C 133:68). others say that he is dead and that he stinketh, Alma 19:5.